So, you want to get into welding school?

By Jessica Johnson, Director of Admissions

First, bravo to you for realizing that you could do something new, exciting, challenging and rewarding for a career.  Welding is a field that is growing every day.  Did you know that the American Welding Society has predicted that by 2022, the welding industry will have a shortage of about 450,000 welding operators?

Let that sink in. That’s a huge opportunity for those who act!

The welding industry needs you and Lynnes Welding Training can help you achieve your goals. Whether you have experience in the welding industry or have never welded before, doesn’t matter. We can teach those with generous amounts of experience and those with little, to none!  Our students come to us with varying starting points: some with prior experience who come in and find that they either have been taught below industry standards or need to brush up on their skills that have diminished over time; but mostly those who have never been in the industry at all, let alone around a shop or welding machine before.

The Admissions Department is here to welcome and help each potential student decide which class best suits them and guide them on the enrollment path.  It is always recommended that if you are interested in our school, either for yourself, a family member or friend, that you schedule a tour of the campus.

The tour of our campus will include an introduction to all the dedicated Staff Members who will assist our students along their journey through our school, as well as the Instructors who will work with the students one-on-one every day.  Once in the lab, this is where you will see sparks fly!  We will show you our spacious work stations, state-of-the-art equipment and all the materials the we have available for students’ use.  Since LWT only allows 12 students per Instructor, you will see how more hands-on one-on-one time will benefit you in your success.  Additionally, we can visit about the various ways to assist in making your education affordable and the next steps if you choose to enroll with LWT.

LWT is here to help you take advantage of the huge opportunity in the welding industry. To equip yourself with a solid foundation of welding training, give us a call. I hope to talk to you soon.

Want to see what the school looks like?  Book your tour now:

Want to see more?  Check out this video in the meanwhile.

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